Abstract art with boxes of different colours

University of British Columbia ISoTL Press

ISoTL Press showcases and disseminates the impactful work of UBC’s SoTL community, to inform UBC’s teaching and learning practice and scholarship with evidence from our own experience, and transfer and deliver these learnings beyond our walls.

ISoTL Press welcomes submissions for its first issue from all members of the UBC SoTL community! We accept submissions three times a year.

Next Submission deadline: January 13th 2025.

We encourage submissions in a range of forms exploring pedagogical inquiry. All submissions should be composed for a general academic audience, and while submissions are encouraged to delve into discipline specific questions, to explain terms and concepts such that the work is accessible to the broader UBC teaching and learning community.

Empirical work (e.g., preliminary findings, works in progress, “imperfect” projects) (1,500 – 4,000 words) – research pieces reporting on initial or partial results. Authors are also invited to submit work with dead ends or inconclusive findings, as long as limitations of findings are well laid out and any existing data is rigorously and ethically collected and analyzed. These submissions may be on previously unpublished findings, or may be presented as an initial smaller publication prior to expansion for journal publication.

Position and opinion essays on SoTL topics (e.g., pedagogy, methods, open lines of inquiry, experiences) (1,500 – 4,000 words) – these essay-style pieces argue particular perspectives or practices in a reflective and reasoned way, using more than anecdotal evidence, as appropriate. These pieces should employ a scholarly approach and rise beyond conjecture.

Artifacts (file size limits may apply) – forms include presentations, poetry, interviews, videos, images, etc.

Knowledge transfer (e.g., explainers and lessons learned from papers published) (1,000 words) – these pieces allow authors to expand the audience of their previously published academic work, beyond their disciplinary contexts. These submissions are intended to increase the visibility of work that would otherwise not be disseminated throughout or visible to the broader UBC community.

Publications through ISoTL Press are copyrighted and peer-reviewed. Empirical work, position papers, and artifacts can be preliminary and smaller in scope than required for a disciplinary conference or journal, and their contents may be expanded for submission elsewhere. If required, authors may request that ISoTL Press publications be taken down while the work is under review, or after it has been accepted by/published in a superseding publication venue. Please refer to originality, duplicate publication, or expansion rules for your field for guidelines.

Submission format is for review purposes only. Publication format will be distributed to authors to prepare their submission for presentation on the ISoTL Press site. A template for the submission document will be provided soon.

  • Adhere to the word limit according to submission format (e.g., empirical, opinion essay).
  • Use font size not smaller than 12 pts, 1.5 spacing and minimum 1” margins. All sections and subsections of the manuscript must be numbered.
  • Include a title, submission type, author(s) name(s), position(s)/affiliation(s), campus, and email address(es) (template TBA).
  • Include tables, graphs, and/or images (if using) at the appropriate places within the body of the submission with suitable titles, captions, alt-text as appropriate. Visual artifacts must include alt-text describing the art/image.
  • Include citations and sources at the end of the submission.
  • Use American Psychological Association (APA) 7 reference style.
  • Be submitted as a PDF document.

For the inaugural volume, reviewers will be drawn from members of the ISoTL Advisory Board.

Reviews will follow a non-anonymized process to promote mentoring and support amongst SoTL practitioners at UBC. ISoTL Press has one review cycle per semester, with submission deadlines in the first week of W1 (Sept), W2 (Jan), and S1 (May). Responses and comments should be expected within 2 months of submission. Authors are expected to revise their work as per the reviewers’ feedback and comments.

  • Submission site opens: Week of November 12
  • Submissions due: January 13
  • Reviews due: February 17
  • Camera ready submissions due*: March 17
  • First issue out: April

*Authors are expected to revise their work as per the reviewers’ feedback and comments. Manuscripts accepted for publication in ISoTL Press will not undergo a copyediting process.